Pumped-Storage Plant Goldisthal Project progression Client: Vattenfall Europe Generation AG 2015-2016 Part 2: renovation of the mastic; local maintenance measures of the upper basin (planning & quality management) 2014 renovation of the mastic; local...
Pumped-Storage Plant Geesthacht Project progression Client: Vattenfall Europe Generation AG Since 2014 Bauwerksmonitoring 2009 Instandsetzung der Anschlüsse der Asphaltdichtung und Erneuerung der Mastixversiegelung (Planung und...
Pumped-Storage Plant Vianden Project progression Client: Société Electrique de l’Ours 2010 Rehabilitation the asphalt face and the extension of the power plant “project M11” (project coordination upper basin and professional examination) 2006...